Star Wars "The Hero Journey thesis"
Looking forward many opinions, I realize that we need
to compare the first Star Wars Movie with this new movie called “The Force Awakens”,
and make by yourself the basis which makes all Star Wars movies successful brochures
of the real timeline. Making a short summary of “A New Hope”, which a saw it
with my girlfriend the last week, we can see how one movie of George Lucas usually
Star Wars was a low budget science-fiction film that
became a blockbuster box office success. The movie has been extremely popular
with all cultures and ages for several decades. As well as being popular Star
Wars also conveys many important themes. I Believe on of the more prominent
themes throughout the movie is the classic hero journey. The hero journey is a
major part of stories and myths throughout the world. Both primitive and modern
cultures use hero journeys as the basis for stories. The three main parts of a
hero journey are the departure, the initiation, and the return. Luke´s
departure is caused by variety of factors.
Luke´s eventual departure is set in motion by the purchase
of two androids that were previously involved in the rebellion. Luke receives a
call to aid in the form of a prerecorded message stored in one of the android’s
memory. Luke finds a traveling companion and a teacher in Obi-wan Kenobi. Luke
is hesitant to leave his home planet until the empire kills his aunt and uncle,
leaving him no option but to fight. Luke’s next step is initiation.
Luke goes through many initiations during his journey.
He is initiated to the loss of loved ones with the deaths of his aunt and
uncle, and eventually Obi-wan. He is initiated to the way the world really
works by spending time in the Mos Eisley Cantina. He is also initiated to
battle during the groups amazing escape from the Deathstar. The final step in
Luke´s journey is the return.
Luke´s return most certainly takes place at the end of
the movie. It seems all might be lost as Darth Vader has wiped out all the
fighters except for Luke. Darth is moving Luke into his sights when Han Solo
and the Millennium Falcon appear and remove all threats to Luke´s safety. He is
able to fire the successful shot and make his return to the rebel base. Much as
you might expect Luke receives a hero´s welcome and is honored at a huge
Star Wars is an extremely popular movie with many
underlying themes. I believe that the hero journey is the most important theme
in the movie. Luke goes through all three parts of the hero journey, the
departure, the initiation, and the return. I´m still waiting to see the new Star Wars Movie and
how these steps goes forward and makes more fans be motivated to keep the best
feelings about these movies.
The force be
with all of you guys!
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